Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Intransitive Senses"

Intransitive Senses


                                        Rajiv was a 20year old strapping young man who possessed a very well-toned body which was the result of very rigorous work-outs in the gym, but this was not the only quality that he possessed. He was a very intelligent boy and was a favorite of his teachers from the university. The only quality of rajiv which can be faulted was his “self-love”   and “super-ego”  ,he considered himself to be the best in every sphere of life, another negative quality was that rajiv had acquired was the art of womanizing ,his love-affairs were so brazenly in your face that sometimes he resembled the hero of a  “AUGUSTINE AGE” drama. Once at a inter-college debate in which rajiv was participating ,the coordinator gave the topic of the debate which was  “ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR” ,this topic was debated for a long time  but the most horrific and bizarre  answer came from rajiv , he said that if he loved one person dearly he expected the love to be reciprocated and if the other person did not reciprocate his love  he could go to the extent of killing that person  as he believed in the concept  of everything is fair in love and war ,this statement shocked the Hall ,Rajiv said that he had done the same thing with snigdha  his classmate  2 years ago when he had pushed her into the river during a  school picnic ,the falling of snigdha into the river was attributed to her slipping and losing her balance ,No-one had an iota of suspicion that she was pushed into a river, The suprising part was that  how could a smart suave and intelligent guy like rajiv  confess to a crime which he had  concealed so brilliantly for 2 years and that too in a debate .The Police was called  and rajiv  confessed his crime in front of them ,the police interrogator  said that Snigdha was a better student than rajiv and she had  resisted advances made by  him this had bruised his ego which led to him taking this drastic  step ,but the thing which baffled the police the most was  that rajiv kept talking about an unnatural force which forced  him  to confess ,the READER may assume that it was snigdha’s  ghost while others may say that it was his conscience  that made him confess ,some readers may even attribute this confession to be a case of reverse physiology   of the sub-conscious human mind but one thing was certain that  rajiv could not live under a burden any longer ,his semi-conscious mind showed him images of his heinous act  which did not let him sleep and this resulted in him being under the illusion that he was being stalked by an unnatural force. This story may be classified as  bizarre ,crime or even horror by some or even as a story of the complexities of the human mind.

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