Thursday, November 27, 2008

"mayhem in mumbai"

last night around  9-00 pm there was a news flash on almost all news channels stating that firing had been reported  in colaba a posh area of mumbai a haunt for the foreigners residing in the financial capital of india,but as the night progressed the joy of india winning for a 5th straight time against england vanished with the news of indiscriminate firing and bomb blasts in mumbai about 100 people are feared dead and 600 injured and this time the responsibility of creating mayhem has been taken by "DECCAN MUJAHIDEEN" a little known organisation i just have a simple question when these terrorists are caught why are they tried in court they should be paraded with their clothes stripped off  and shot dead this will save valuable time and will create a sense of fear among their ilk.Any person who agrees or disagrees with me can air their views here.

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