I live as an eccentric individual who tries to keep alive the "música della lingua", keeps his head and heart together in words, and sparingly writes with passion and belief that even if one person reads what I wrote, he/she will have something to think about for the rest of the day.I Wish to follow an integral approach that attempts to create a harmonious society. This is possible only if we satisfy the needs of the body,the mind and the soul.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I Was reading the Interview of Fathi Baja aged 58 who is old enough to remember Sept. 1, 1969, when, as a high school student, he had joined the throngs of excited crowds pouring into the streets to chant their support for the then dashing young military officer called Muammar Gaddafi, who had just pulled off a coup to oust the Libyan King.According to him it was a revolution not a coup, a revolution which they thought would lead them to freedom and peace. Benghazi is Libya's second biggest city, It is here that last week's revolt first exploded. It is the third instance of an Arab nation revolting against a despotic regime. The signs are very clear, revolution is in the air and it is up to the responsible NATIONS Like AMERICA , INDIA e.t.c to take stock of the situation, this revolution in the middle-east has been called the Jasmine Revolution by some, but for me this is a Pre-Apocalyptic Revolution, I am 21 years of age going on to 22 so i have not seen the World Wars but I have read about them , and the parallels i find are shocking, there had been discontent brewing in Austria prior to WW1, which ultimately drove a wedge between the Prussian and Bavarian sides, now when we compare this with the present day situation in the Middle-East we find that the role of Austria has been taken up by Tunisia which has opened the floodgates in the Arab World, care should be taken that the fundamentalists should not capitalize on this situation,already despots like Gadaffi have begun to blame America for this situation, in normal cases this can be brushed aside as the sayings of a madman , but the ground reality is that most of the protesters are young and can be easily brainwashed into believing whatever they hear, we should urge our nations to monitor the situation closely and take punitive action before it is too late, I am not being pessimistic but just stating the hard reality , Dr A.Q Khan the rogue Pakistani scientist had black-marketed nuclear fissile material to countries like North Korea and Libya, GOD FORBID that these WMD'S do not fall into the hands of the fundamentalists.I Just received news that about 200 people have died on the streets in Libya due to firing, i urge everyone do something before its too late , Twitter alone can't save Libya.
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