Nestor Andrews was born in a small nondescript town near Texas, from childhood only he had begun to show traits that he was going to become one of the greatest boxers that the world had ever seen. His father Dominique was employed as a supervisor in a construction firm, Nestor’s mother Amelia had passed away during his childhood. Nestor’s favorite pastime was to punch the cement bags which he found, while he was at the construction site, this type of behavior shocked the co-workers of Dominique who then advised him to send his son away to some distant place where he can find peace of mind and stop exhibiting such aggressive behavior. Dominique heeded his co-workers advice and promptly sent away his son to his uncle Lex. Now Lex was a former professional boxer , but his exit from the boxing ring was rather disgraceful , he was thrown out because of rampant drug use, when he heard of his nephew’s predicament , he saw in it a golden opportunity to redeem himself . On that very night in which Nestor arrived, Lex asked him whether he was interested in becoming in becoming a boxer, Nestor was thrilled to hear this and promptly agreed , from the next day itself Lex began to train his nephew, he would make him run for 5 miles, he would ask him to do 100 one-handed push-ups, he would ask him to sit in a bath-tub full of chilled water for about 2 minutes, and lots of other rigorous workouts , this practice continued for about 4 years. During this period the reigning “WBF” champion Goran Medved had issued an open challenge to anyone who wanted to face him for his championship, Lex did not waste anytime , he immediately registered his nephew’s name with the organizers. The organizers joy knew no bounds , they were gleaming at the prospect of minting thousands of dollars by projecting this match as a battle between a champion and an underdog . The match was booked to be held at Madison Square Garden on the 13th of august 2010 which incidentally happened to be a Friday. Preparations were at full swing , during this time Nestor was closely examining his opponents movements on the T.V screen, Now the champion Goran was a giant in the true sense of the term, he was 6ft 5 inches tall, and his punch felt like a sledgehammer on the skull, in comparison Nestor was 5ft 8 inches tall, that’s a considerable difference meaning that Nestor had to move quicker and had to reach out further to cause some damage to his adversary . On the other hand Goran was confident that he would win the bout, but the only thing bugging him was that he had no videos on Nestor and hence did not know much about the boxing style of Nestor. The D-DAY finally arrived, it was Friday the 13th, the stands were packed to the rafters, Goran entered the ring first followed by his entourage, finally came Nestor accompanied by his uncle Lex. After the opening formalities , the much hyped bout finally started, the first two rounds of the bout turned out to be damp squibs as both guys were too reluctant to attack , but from the third round onwards the fireworks started, Nestor delivered the first serious punch of the match which left Goran dazed , this was followed by a left hook , this sudden assault left the champion reeling and he retreated to a corner. But the champion retaliated with a heavy barrage of punches followed by a scorcher which busted open the left eye of Nestor, During the next round Nestor was finding it increasingly difficult to see, but he did not quit , he began to employ a new strategy, instead of employing heavy duty punches he began to deliver quick but sharp punches to the champion , the champion was surprised , he did not expect such a fight back from Nestor , he tried to close of the match by delivering his deadly knockout punch , but his effort was thwarted and in return he received a bone crunching punch on his cheekbone, after which he fell like a 18 wheeler crashing and burning . In the final round , both opponents attacked each other with renewed vigour , it seemed like Nestor was gaining the upper hand when suddenly Goran delivered his deadly knockout punch which shut out the lights of Nestor. The match was officially over , Goran had won the match and thereby retained his belt , the crowd were on their feet, they knew they had been witness to one of the greatest matches in boxing history, meanwhile Lex was shattered, he realized that he had lost the chance of redeeming himself , he slowly entered the ring and helped Nestor to his feet , they were about to leave when Goran came up to them, he said, ‘Well Done young man, you took me downtown to Chinatown for a one way trip to hell, I was plain lucky to escape with a win today, your boxing technique was impressive, I think it needs a little bit more of fine tuning after which I am sure you will become one of the greatest boxers in the world’, Goran then turned to Lex and told him “Great Job, Man! You have discovered the next big thing in Boxing , by doing this favor for the boxing world you have effectively redeemed yourself”. Lex thanked Goran for his advice and promised to make Nestor better prepared next time, before leaving Nestor was asked to say a few words , to which he said “I realized you can break a man but you can never destroy his spirit” , he then dropped the mike and walked off with his uncle with a smile on his face.
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